Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bottoms Up!

A past co-worker dropped 40+ pounds in 6 months without exercising. I was worried that she would be emaciated if she lost more than 10 pounds because she looked slim and heathy to me. This just goes to show you that we don't always see what is there.  I didn't see her very often so the tranistion was evident when we met next, although she was slimmer she was also glowing with health.  Her skin was smooth and pink and her hair shimmered.  Her secret - Before you even get out of bed, drink a large glass of water.  This starts the organs moving and doing the job they were intended to do.

"Water is your body's principal chemical component and makes up about 60 percent of your body weight. Every system in your body depends on water. Water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues." (from a Mayo Clinic article).

While I don't have a glass before getting out of bed as I am usually in too big of a hurry to eliminate the water I had before bed, I do drink 32 ounces of water before I eat breakfast.  By 9 AM I have finished my second 32 oz glass of water and 15th sprint to the bathroom.  Hmmm, I could count those trips to the bathroom as exercise.  How many calories are burned running to the bathroom, sitting down then standing up?

Besides trying to have 51% of my food intake as fruits and vegetables, I am drinking water with every meal and in between to carry the good nutrients to each cell. Nice plump cells filled with good nutrients equal a healthy me. 

Today, I have almost gotten back my "eat right to get healthy" momentum.  Along with a glass of water, my husband and I had an egg sandwich and an orange for breakfast.  Lunch was chicken chili, made with shredded chicken, three kinds of beans, diced tomatoes, and bell peppers. An apricot, and celery sticks completed the meal.  I am trying a new recipe for dinner tonight, Swiss Chard and Garbanzo Beans.  My best friend provided the Swiss Chard from her abundant garden, the recipe and a raving review of the meal.  I am looking foward to dinner tonight.

Eat healthy, stay healthy

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