Tuesday, March 15, 2011

But it was calling my name and I couldn't be rude.

I fell off the eating healthy band wagon this weekend and I am paying for it now.  Luckily I was close to the ground when I fell so the impact was not too hard, but I still hurt.

Sitting on the patio, with our neighbors at a new restaurant, my husband and I shared a Prime Rib dinner complete with baked potato, salad and wonderful rolls.  Oh if only I had stopped there, but we were having such a nice time enjoying the spring weather and solving the world’s problems that my defenses were down when the waitress suggest dessert.  I knew I was in trouble when she handed us the dessert menu with photographs. Sugar, my drug of choice calls to me, tells me it is okay for just one bite, what harm can sugar be, so I ordered a Brownie Delight.  Ohh I love ice cream and a chocolate brownie just adds to the flavor, so my husband and I split a large serving of total bliss.  Within minutes of eating this scrumptious delight I could feel the sugar rush and the internal shaking and wondered why the heck I wasted my health on that.

I would like to say that once again I learned my lesson and not wanting to "hurt" vowed to stay off sugar, but that didn't happen.  Sunday, at a birthday party, I did it again.  I started out with a small sandwich, two helpings of a fresh green salad from my best friend’s garden, one helping of potato salad and a few chips.  I had already seen the brightly colored cake and it was calling me.  I ignored it thinking I could leave before the cake was cut so I wouldn't have to act on the decision that I had already made.  Out came the ice cream, which I love, and two types of cake.  I had to try both didn't I?

That evening, we had a meeting at another local eatery; I ordered chicken strips, curly fries and coke.  That's right not even a diet coke.  I ordered this even though I was already hurting from the earlier bad choice that day. The coke just exacerbated the problem, my hands started to swell up but I continued to drink it.  Of course I justified it by drinking water as well.

The setback I created by answering the call of addiction not only caused me to gain back a few pounds, have internal shakes and hurt, it has made me want more.  I walked by the ice cream display twice at the store yesterday, telling myself I can handle a carton of ice cream.  "Who cares if I am over weight, my husband and friends love me, the pain was caused by something else."  And like the biblical Eve, I enticed my husband to eat from the “fruit” causing him to stumble as well.

I need to leave the land of denial and stay focused on the reasons why I have chosen to eat a better diet.

Eat healthy, stay healthy.

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