Saturday, March 12, 2011

Prayer Garden

To eat healthy "the books and experts" suggest giving up sugar products and incorporating a high amount of organic fruits and vegetables into your diet.  In fact "they" say that 51% of your diet should be fruits and vegetables preferably eaten raw.  They also suggest drinking fresh juiced vegetable three times a day. Yeah right, these experts must be making tons of money off their books to be able to afford 51% of their food intake and juice in vegetables and fruit; one non-organic bell pepper is $1.20 on a good day.  I can spend $100 a week on salad material, and I don't think that would give me 51% of my food intake.  If I were to juice it I would have to spend triple that amount.

The way to resolve this is to start a garden and grow our own food.  I have started gardens in the past, I love to work the soil, transplant the starts, sow the seeds and rejoice when I am rewarded with growth.  After that I am done with it.  Number 1, I don't like vegetables (I was just growing them because I figured if they were there I would eat them). Number 2, I didn't know the difference between a weed and the plant, so invariably I would eventually end up with a bunch of spurge. Enough of the excuses, the real reason is because by the time the garden was ready to produce, if I had somehow left the correct sprout in, I was bored and had moved on to some other project.

But we are committed to eating healthy and becoming Sustainibilly's so we started our garden.  Due to my dogs and the space available in my back yard we purchased 11 tree boxes made from recycled wood to start our garden in. My husband and I only know the first thing about gardening but that is about all. Three weeks ago we planted some bell pepper starts in one box and sprinkled carrot seeds in it. The other box we planted tomato plants and sprinkled some other seeds in there.  The next week we purchased more boxes and went to town planting according to the seed packets.  Then we started praying in the garden that the seeds would sprout and the transplants would acclimate and stay alive.

One week later our prayers were answered, we had 3 little stems poking up in the pepper box, and one corn shoot popping out of the soil.  Every day we see the miracle of new growth, which I swear is from answered prayers.

Now I just need to stay focused until we get to eat the fruit of our labor.

Eat healthy, stay healthy.

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