Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Move over Lady Godiva

I am obsessed with my hair. Every morning I let it down and swish it across my back.  I love that warm silky feel as it glides across my skin.  I have always wanted long beautiful shimmering thick hair that could blow in the wind and stay in perfect style.

Three years ago I decided to let it grow. We started 4 wheeling with the windows open which caused my hair to whip my face and neck until the Jeep stopped.   I was going to cut it shorter but my husband, while stroking my hair, seductively told me he perferred it long which meant I needed to be able to tie it back.

Historically, my hair will barely grow below my shoulders and is very fine.  It takes 3 twist of a toddlers tieback to hold my hair in a ponytail.  My fascination began in the second year, I realized my hair was longer than it had ever been.  It didn't hurt that a stylist told me for the first time in my life that my hair was so healthy. Yes!  I decided to let it grow one more year and in February I would donate it to Locks of Love.

My husband and I had already started replacing soda's and altered sugar drinks with water and fruit juices, one part of the diet to lose weight and get healthy.  I noticed that my hair while normally slow growing seemed to be getting longer faster than ever before.  I started thinking of my head as a Chia Pet; water-fertilizer-growth.  I would have preferred the Barbie doll that had the key to make the hair longer or shorter as needed though.

Now my long straight hair, that doesn't hold a style no matter how many cans of hairspray are used, almost touches my bra strap depending on which bra I wear or how far back I tilt my head.  I love it; that was until my head was unexpectedly yanked to the side.  I was shaving my pits, when I lowered my arm, my beautiful long hair was caught between the arm and body pulling my head to the side.  At first I didn't know what happened, I started circling the shower with my head cocked to one side looking for the cause, since there was no one inside the shower with me and I couldn't lift my head I figured I had a terrible infliction.  It is amazing how many scary thoughts can go through a mind in only a few seconds.  To make matters worse, I haven't figured out how to, short of cutting my hair, prevent this from happening again, and it has.

I started drinking less water and more soda's and noticed a stark difference in my tresses.  I began losing more strands, the luster was gone, my hair was limp and any growth had dwindled. What an eye opener to get back on task.

The Locks of Love event has come and gone and I still have my long hair. I will wait until next year when it has regained it's health to donate.

Eat healthy, drink good water, stay healthy

1 comment:

  1. LOL Now I can't get the thought of you turning in a circle to see who is pulling your hair out of my mind. Very funny!!
