Thursday, March 10, 2011

Making wind and relationships

It is a good thing my husband and I are going through this together.  With the introduction of more fiber in our diets, our bowels are moving more rapidly and with that comes air and repeated trips to the bathroom.  At first I got away with passing silent ones, but when the dogs started leaving the room I knew I had a problem.  My sweet husband even started coughing and laughing, and it wasn't because of me.

As a married couple, we were comfortable sharing some intimacies with each other that we wouldn't want to share with the rest of the world.  But after a few days of trumpeting butts and lingering, nauseating smells from my husband, me and the dogs, my husband began an earnest search for a cure to eliminate the problem. The answer was to begin taking Acidophilus to add the good bacteria in to the digestive process.

There must have been one mighty war going on in our stomachs between the good and bad bacteria from the rumblings we felt.  By the increased flatulence it appeared the bad bacteria was winning and my husband and I were doomed to live as singles if we were going to continue eating healthy foods.  Sugar farts did not compare to what was blowing in the wind.  This eating healthy was not conducive to a good marital relationship.

Fortunately, everything worked out, the Acidophilus conquered the bad bacteria and we were able to leave the house without embarrassment.  That was until we added in the vitamins, but that is a different story.

Eat healthy, stay healthy.

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